Industrial Accident

Personal, Story, Friends
Juno groaned aloud as he sat down on the bench in the locker room at his job after he finished changing. It had been yet another rough day at the plant, and he was just exhausted. The drabull was woefully out of shape as it was, and when that was combined with his boss being out to get him... Well, the hybrid wasn’t having the best of times. He still did love his size though, and even as tired and sweaty as he was, he placed both his meaty paws on the sides of his sizable brown-furred paunch and began to rub it. The thing protruded heavily out from beneath his too-small green shirt, sagging well over his black kilt and marred only by a pair of green, thick suspenders.…
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Thick and Thick Intro

Personal, Story, Friends
A sole, ominous figure stood at the entrance to the room. He didn’t move, he didn’t look up from the floor, he simply stood stock still in the entryway. There was no breathing motion from him, and his eyes were obscured by a hood which rested on his head. Two round ears broke this hood’s perfect covering, peering out of two slits cut specifically for them. They were each black and furred, resting atop the wide head below them and looked to be the only part of the beast moving. They lightly twitched with every noise around the figure as he stood stock still, taking it all in as their owner just took in the tile below him with his cold gaze. The attire on the figure past the hood…
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Story, Personal
Flight was the first thing to go. It had vanished as fast as his feet from his vision as the pounds had begun to add up. The large, paunchy avian had still been able to waddle around slowly on legs which he hardly used, but it was only a matter of time before he was restricted mostly to his chair, and then to his bed. None of this had slowed his consumption though, in fact it had only gotten to be more greedy and gluttonous as his wings became laden with lard. His stomach was constantly growing and stretching, nearly always filled with food once moving himself became too much of a task. Granted, this made getting his next meal a real challenge, but loyal servants and enraptured admirers made…
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Last Call

Story, Personal
The rhino was swelling. It started out slowly, almost like a feeling that he was getting a little bloated when he waddled drunkenly out of the club for the night. He had noticed that his final drink had tasted rather funny, but he paid it little mind and instead just chalked it up to how many he had consumed that night. The lithe rabbit who had been feeding him all the alcohol had been quite the looker too, so that had also helped him ignore the taste. He was paying for drinking as much as he had now though, as he stood on the sidewalk and woozily swung from side to side. He wasn’t utterly drunk, but he felt very good out in the crisp night air outside the thumping…
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Doors (Roo Version)

Story, Personal
Luke wasn’t going to fit. He had been looking at the door exiting his bedroom for almost five minutes, just staring at it. He would occasionally reach down for his wide hips as best he could, but the rolls of fat along his arms would stop him. He could barely even touch his lovehandles with so much lard impeding his movement, a fact which made him both giddy and remorseful. A small part of him regretted the overeating, the overindulgence, and the sheer amount of calories which had put him in his current predicament. A vastly larger part of him however loved that development, the fat which encased his frame for feet in every single direction feeling like a prize at the end of a long journey. Sure, it had…
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