
Story, Commissions
Jockstraps had never been Kaji’s thing. The black draolf had always preferred the comfort of boxer briefs, and was never not clad in a pair of green, form-fitting ones. They hugged him all around, supported him in ways a jockstrap couldn’t begin to hope for, and were just nicer to look at. They even accentuated his rump, which being the tone beast that he was, he didn’t have much of one. Thusly, the draolf was grateful for the help, and would often even go so far as to flex his rear when he knew he was getting a peek at it; Kaji was somewhat of a showoff, and he knew it. The boxer briefs did one other thing as well though, which was the real reason the hybrid wore them.…
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Hopelessly Stuck

Commissions, Story
Red pandas were never meant to be fat. They were lithe creatures, usually short in stature, and with a massive tail to boot. Looking more like a raccoon than a panda, they generally snuck under the radar of society, and instead of seeming as though they could ever add up to anything just did what they could to get by. Small species like them never got much recognition, and that was such a shame for most of them; they were usually smart. This meant many red pandas were bankers, or bookkeepers, or some other job that was mentally taxing, and yet one that very few people ever knew about. It was a known societal fact, and one that most of the species accepted; just like raccoons, rodents, and other smaller…
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Commissions, Story
Range and Rocky sat on the loveseat beside one another, their fat-laden frames touching rather firmly between them. Each was busy eating, stuffing pawfuls of chips and treats into their muzzles as they watched the flashes of the television before them. Neither really knew what was on, nor cared as it was just mindless enough to be noise for them to snack on. Both only cared about the snacks, and the feeling of their fat touching the other. It was a warm sensation, and why they had chosen to sit on the far-smaller loveseat. Each had their own reason for it, of course, but it was something that neither wanted to admit just yet. They were still only friends at that point, even though both wanted to become just a…
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Story, Commissions
“I thought I told you that enough was enough there dragon,” A cool voice stated flatly. The dragon the voice was aimed at just shrugged and kept on doing what he was doing, seemingly uncaring of the consequences as he strode along the street with a bag in his clawed paw. This was not to say that he wasn’t thinking about what he was doing, but he more just didn’t care about it and instead was ignoring the warning from the other beast behind him. A beast whose eyes were shimmering with an unnatural glow to them. The creature, looking to be a black dragon-wolf hybrid of sorts, didn’t even try to make the warning to the beast again. He simply spread his wings slightly, taking in a deep breath…
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Bending The Cage

Story, Commissions
John groaned as he woke up, looking around the room he was in a couple times as his vision began to clear; it flickered once or twice before doing that. He blinked a few times, moving up a hand to rub the grogginess from his turquoise eyes slightly as he tried to survey his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was walking through downtown, on his way home from a night at the pub with his friends. He was here now though, and he knew he hadn’t drank enough to pass out in some gutter or to go home with a strange person. Something had happened to him, and sure enough as he began to take in his surroundings and feel the floor below him, he could tell something was…
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