Hungry Hungry Dragon

Friends, Story
“Hey fatass, you don’t look so good today… What’s up?” A booming voice said, coming from the living room of the large, spacious house. The house was definitely big, but with the multiple tons of lard between the two beasts that were currently occupying it, it was enough to say that the house seemed a lot more cozy thanks to just them. The voice belonged to a dragon, an incredibly fat grey and blue one who sat on a sofa which looked to have seen far better days. “Just a long day Zero.” The second voice, even deeper and more fat-sounding, came from the wolfdragon who had waddled through the double-wide entryway at the front of the house. He put his keys near the door and waddled into the living…
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Questionable Contents

Story, Commissions
“I can’t believe I paid twenty-five dollars for this box of shit!” Aleo exclaimed as he tossed the empty wooden box onto his bed. It bounced twice before tumbling onto the floor with a loud thud and breaking into several pieces. That just angered the young man more, as he came over and kicked it against the wall of his bedroom, which made it burst into a thousand smaller pieces upon contact with the solid surface. Aleo didn’t even bother to check, he simply stormed over to his desk and sat down roughly, the poor chair creaking ominously thanks to being abused so readily. The male who was in it sighed heavily and just leaned his head back, trying to calm down from his outburst. The box hadn’t been a…
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DJ PuppehDawg

Friends, Story
The DJ could just barely reach his turntables to spin up the next track. Pushing past those large moobs of his was a task that he loathed as much as dieting, and yet here he was having to do it nearly constantly to keep the music going in the large club. It was all part of the scene though, so the beagle pushed his annoyances from his mind and his belly out of his way so that he could reach the mixer.  “This is DJ PuppehDAWG!!” he yelled with enthusiasm to the mic that was positioned precariously over his head. He had to talk out of the side of his muzzle somewhat, as his fattened cheeks kept the mic from getting into a good spot, and thusly from picking his…
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Dastardly Deities Devious Deeds

Story, Friends, Personal
It had been a while since the wolfdragon had actually taken the time to train seriously . Sure, he kept his skills up to snuff by manipulating realities and floating various objects, amongst other things, but to well and truly ‘train’ was something he hated. It felt like school to him, and he had loathed school those many thousand years ago he had needed to attend. He hadn’t been taking care of his skills as of late though, and as he missed ever so slightly with his fire at 1000 yards, it showed. He could normally light a cigarette at 1000 yards with simply a snap, but he merely singed the thing this time. The margin of error was utterly miniscule, and any other beast would’ve said that it was…
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Branching Out

Story, Books
The ominous doors of the school loomed over Ken as he looked on at the building, quietly staring at the place. He hadn’t wanted to be here, and every instinct inside him was telling him to flee and run back home as fast as his legs could carry him. Knowing that this wasn’t an option though, he simply stood at the door and stared, frozen for several moments in fear. His black-and-white fur stood on end, and his long tail flicked wildly back and forth; he knew what was past those doors, what would begin the second he stepped through them. The thought of it terrified him. He didn’t want his life to go down that path just yet, he was still too young for any of those things to…
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