Left To Grow

Story, Personal
Sasuke loomed over the bed which held Lobo, twirling a rope in his paws. He had made sure to sedate the wolf first with a large meal filled with plenty of sleeping pills and other drugs. The wolf was going to be out for a long time, or so Sasuke hoped; those sleeping pills weren't meant for beasts that weighed upwards of 500 pounds like Lobo did. Regardless, that meant plenty of time for the wolfdragon to have some fun at his expense. What kind of fun was still up in the air, but Sasuke knew that he was going to be taking full advantage of that wolf. The wolfdragon was one kinky bastard, and would have quite a bit of fun with the sleeping mound of canine which now…
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Candy Hangover

Story, Personal
BRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPP! A tiger cub let out a huge belch, patting his slightly distended tummy as he lay proudly amongst a pile of wrappers and other litter. His parents had told him not to before they went to bed, but he had done it; the tiger cub had just finished off his Halloween candy, within an hour of returning from getting it no less, and was quite pleased with himself. He lay down in the mess he had created, letting out another loud burp as he tried to rub his stomach to soothe it more. It was useless at this point, but he didn’t know that in his young mind, so he just went about petting it more to try and calm it. Laying down and rubbing alone wasn’t going to…
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Story, Commissions
‘Late, again’ was the only thought running through Wes’ head as he dashed towards the train, nearly breaking out into his species’ natural hopping to make it to the closing doors in time.  The poor roo was running late to work for the third time this week, and that little fact put a crescendo on a morning that he was already loathing despite it being barely started. He had woken up with a sore tail and a wicked hang-over, stubbed one of his long paws on the door jamb leaving his apartment, gotten cold coffee instead of warm from the stand he frequented, and now was enjoying pulling a few strands of fur from the door of the train that started speeding off towards the center of the city. The…
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Never Stops Going Around

Friends, Story
It wasn’t a hard thing for the dragon to do; Trinity simply didn’t think it through, as that was the hard part for him. Logical thinking and reasons for his actions were never things that he wanted to spend too long on, so when it came time for them to be used by him, he often glazed over them as quickly as he could. The dragon wasn’t a dumb or slow beast, but he just didn’t have the patience for taking time out of having fun or gallivanting around waiting for something else interesting to happen. He often had to create that interesting thing, and usually got in trouble for it, but it was worth it as far as he was concerned. Boredom was something that he couldn’t stand, and…
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The Games We Play

Commissions, Story
Sweat and panting were all that came from the dragon as put down his final weight. He had been working out for over an hour, and it was about time for him to head to his first class of the day. That first class was in about forty minutes across campus, so it gave the white-and-blue scaley just enough time to shower and get himself over there. He wanted to keep going, to keep pushing himself to get more muscle mass onto his beefed up frame, but there was no more time left before class. It was a bit of a sad thing for him, to not be able to work out more... But what could he do? He didn't bother dwelling on that though, and instead simply shrugged it…
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