Time Off

Story, Friends
“You’re fired Zeich, clear out your locker and get out of here before I decide to call the cops.” “But boss, I swe-“ “You have 5 minutes to get your lard ass out of here before I have Lt. Harris come here and do it for you, and you know how much he’d love to do that.” Those words were all it took to shut Zeich’s muzzle and get him moving towards the door to the office. He paused to say something to the smug lynx behind the desk that had just ended his career, but stopped himself and simply waddled over to the door and opened it carefully. He knew there would be at least one or two furs listening in on the other side, but upon finding nearly…
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Story, Commissions
A door-rattling belch echoed throughout the halls of Sasuke’s mansion, so loud that the wolfdragon was rubbing his ears after he finished letting the titanic burp out. “More…” was the only sound that followed the burp, and the green wolf that stood before the titanic glutton eagerly obeyed. There wasn’t much more left to be had, but that didn’t stop the minty canine from looking around in search of something, anything for the demigod of excessive overeating to consume.  The ravenous black hole of a wolfdragon had already made it through everything in the refrigerators, and the cupboards, and the pantry… The wolf would need to be creative if he was ever going to sate the overfed blob behind him. There were a few hidden stashes he could raid, but…
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Story, Friends
The wolfdragon sat there, entrapped in his own colossal girth which quaked and sloshed with every minute movement he made. His back and sides looked like steps leading up to a head which was barely even distinguishable from the rest of his blob-like frame. He was still eating though, slurping down gallon after fattening gallon of lard from a seemingly-bottomless tank. He had been like that for hours, entranced by it and just gaining even more and more weight to add to his incredible girth. Of course, he had long lost all mobility and bodily control, which included being gassy and drooling uncontrollably. Sweat, gas, and drool seeped from his titanic body, leaking down in all directions and making him not only slick, but also smell rather rank. He didn't…
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Story, Personal
My foot is asleep. It is nearly 4 in the morning, blisteringly hot, and I can't get comfortable enough to return to dream land because my foot had fallen asleep. This wouldn't normally be a problem for me, but my roommate and I had fought earlier, and as such I was having issues sleeping as it was. On any normal night I could just fall asleep right away, since sleeping was normally easy for my lazy self. I just put my head down, shut my eyes, and bam, I was asleep. That wasn't working tonight of course, and as such I was awake and having to deal with my throbbing foot. Alone. That wasn't fun for me to do at all, and I had to very strongly resist the urge…
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Rainy Day

Story, Friends
It was a rainy afternoon; a day that sitting in bed or on the couch and doing next-to-nothing would be perfectly doable. The wolfdragon and the beagle on the sofa, lazing there while idly munching on a large bowl of popcorn, intended to do just that. It wasn’t as if they had formed a plan to do anything that particular day though; the weather had just granted the pair yet another day to be lazy. So there they both sat, popcorn sliding into their muzzle off their greasy paws as the television droned on in front of them. It was on some movie or another, but neither one of them cared about it very much as they were far more concerned with making sure that they got the last of…
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