Private Time

Story, Friends
"Why are all the good ones always on the top shelf," Kai muttered as he strained to reach and grab at some of the better movie reels on the top shelf in the projection room. He was in there to get a movie going for himself and Sai, as the two of them hadn't spent more than sparse minutes together in nearly a week. The reason was the same as always: conflicting schedules, work, and of course sleep. They still wanted to try and get together as often as they could so when Kai suggested taking a day off and watching a movie in their home's large theater, Sai had readily agreed. The two made a couple phone calls and some quick arrangements, and that was all it took to…
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Kicking Back

Friends, Story
Kai was feeling lonely. He hadn't seen his lover, Sai, in almost two days thanks to their opposing schedules, which was a very rare occurrence in their two plus years of being together. He knew it was neither of their faults, but it was little consolation for his loneliness as he still wanted to see his wolf. So he resorted to cancelling a few appointments he had, and thus 'penciling' in time to see Sai. Kai knew that it was not the best way to go about things, and that Sai would probably feel a touch guilty, but... Going without Sai for even the few days he had was slowly killing the leomon. Their meeting was all planned out by the leomon; a small picnic on the beach at sunset when Sai…
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Story, Friends
Kai and Sai, paw in paw, walked along the boardwalk to their end destination: the local St. Patrick’s Day Parade. It was always a big deal in their town, and since the pair hadn’t really gotten out much since Sai had returned, it seemed like a good first outing for them. Sai was his usual happy and aglow self, and even Kai was relaxing and enjoying the day, which was good as the leo most definitely needed it. It was on their walk that they heard the director of the parade absolutely screaming at a poor worker, who looked like he was about to curl up and die from the obscenities being shouted at him. “What do you mean there is one less balloon?!” “Sir, I’m sorry…” “You’re fucking right…
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A Small Box

Story, Personal
It was just a small box, nothing spectacular, but it was enough to make the beagle bleary-eyed. The simple cardboard container was laying on his keyboard at his desk, neatly placed atop an envelope with his name, 'Range', written on it. Said envelope was all but ignored by the canine; he wanted the box and its contents as soon as he could get his large paws onto it. The box not being wrapped was a bonus since there was nothing to tear through, and as such the beagle had the top off after breaking the sole piece of tape holding it down. He took the top off quickly and peered into it, his bleary-eyes leaking out small tears down onto his muzzle as he saw the contents of the box.…
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Story, Friends
With a light smirk on his muzzle and a look in his eye that could only spell trouble, Sasuke slowly waddled back and forth at the foot of the bed whilst rubbing his paws together. He would occasionally glance over at his freshly-captured prey, a mint-green wolf, but aside from that paid him little mind. The huge wolfdragon was planning things, that much was evident, and it was something that would probably not end 'well' for the squirming green wolf. "Lobo, I think you need to gain a few pounds... It's been so long since I last saw you that I could swear that you have lost some." "Oh, Sasuke, I sw-" "Shut up, I didn't say that you could protest, or even speak for that matter. This is my…
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