Nate and Kullo

Story, Personal
Muzzles met muzzles; tongues greeted tongues; and the best kiss Kullo had ever had was under way. Passion flowed from him to his partner, a passion which was returned ten-fold by said partner in the form of warm paws and even warmer lips. Even with Kullo’s eyes shut, the possum could see this passion flowing between himself and the squirrel in his arms. He could taste it as their tongues met somewhere between each respective muzzle and wrestled one another for dominance of their mouths. He felt it radiating off the warm body in his strong arms as it slowly seeped into him through every pore on his body. It came to his ears through the small moans that the squirrel gave during the kiss. The smell entered his nose…
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Acceptable Losses

Story, Friends
“I accept.” The leomon-like beast hadn’t even finished uttering those two little words before he lunged forward with unrivaled speed towards a tied up lizard across the room. The leo’s fangs were bared and his claws unsheathed, as if his speed had not given away his intentions clearly enough already. Every footfall brought him closer and closer to his target, and, something else… A roar that had been building up since he spoke was becoming more audible with every passing step. He had been fury embodied even before he had begun his charge, but now it truly was seeping through to be shown in his actions. The leo had lost himself to his rage, but the events leading up to it justified his actions entirely and even gave him solace…
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Story, Books, Personal
This cycle was the day for the lucky nameless pilot. After nearly 3 months of ceaseless training, painful implants, and more ISK spent than he cared to admit, the pilot could use the shining, packaged speed demon in his hangar. He had already picked out the fitting for his newest ‘toy’, and purchased it during on one of his many trips to Oursulaert over throughout his travels. The market hub was a good 20 jumps from his current location, but he didn’t care: He could use his new ship, and nothing could touch him on his way there; it was all high security jumps after all. This fact didn’t keep him from worrying about losing his most prized possession, but did ease the nervousness of flying an unfitted ship such…
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Shiny New Toy

Commissions, Story
Falling down the stairs tends to hurt, as anyone who has done it can attest to. When you weigh nearly 500 pounds and fall down a full, extended flight though… It hurts a lot more than normal. That is exactly what happened to Saro, the house’s security chief, the day before. He had insisted on going to the hospital, despite 3 of the 5 other residents having medical training/healing power… Something normal about it just called to him everyone guessed. That left the house without a head of security however, so of course that needed to be fixed as soon as possible. Though the wolf would only be laid up for a day or two, the house still needed to be kept safe and order needed to be instilled in…
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What’s A Pilf?

Story, Friends
Pasta, pizza, breaded chicken, roast ham, stew, an assortment of vegetables… Those were just a sampling of the spread before the wolfdragon. Sasuke licked his chops as he surveyed the tables of food before him, seeing those foods and so many others that his senses momentarily left him as he took a whole tray of food and ate its contents in a rather loud gulp. He quickly remembered where he was though as the entire pizza slid down his throat and put the empty platter back, hoping only a few patrons had seen him do that. Being the owner of the buffet he was in did have its perks, but eating like that was not one of them while the place was open. No, that was saved for later… During…
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