Obesitober Day 1 – Overeating

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Obesitober 2020 Stories
  • Obesitober Day 1 – Overeating

Sora was stuck. He could still move, somewhat, but any of that movement… Well, the dragon wasn’t going anywhere quick under their own power. Light kicks at the ground were all that the scaled drake’s rear legs could manage, and even those did little to him along. His forelegs had long given up on their relationship with the ground, their far nimbler digits instead reaching towards the source of what had trapped Sora in his current position. Brown eyes locked right on that same place, the dragon struggled in vain to try and get just a little closer to his destination, his desire, his need. It was such a simple thing, and yet it had driven Sora to trap himself right in place, unable to move beyond a few slight wiggles. Each bit he had managed to get ahold of before winding up trapped was an utter assault of the senses; the sight of such perfectly crafted items, the smells wafting from their perfectly prepared innards, the taste of each bite he managed to get into his mouth, the feeling of flaky crust and lusciously crafted filling… It had been heaven, and Sora wanted more of that heaven. No, he needed more of that flaky heaven that sent his wings arching, his toes curling, and sent shivers down each and every one of the black spikes on his back.

Sora wanted that eighth shelf of freshly made pies.

Looking over the dragon, it was quite clear where the first seven shelves had wound up, as just what was trapping him couldn’t have been more obvious if it had tried. Splaying out his rear legs to the point that they just barely rested on the floor and pressing up against his arms to the point of resting parallel to the floor was the dragon’s stomach. The bright green scales only made that tremendous swell of drake all the more visible, the grandiose food balloon pressing down into the floor and spreading out like some perverse marshmallow. Only… It wasn’t really spreading much. No, it was instead about as taut as a drum, and as heavy as cement. The only spread, or rather what looked to be spread, was the weight of the dragon resting atop that bulky appendage and pressing its vastly overpacked confines out to the sides rather than just all out. His back arched just as heavily in the other direction, making Sora look as though he was hugging a huge ball of neon green, when in fact he was that huge ball of neon green. He practically looked inflated his stomach was so round and tight, and yet he was still hungering for more to pack into that overstuffed sack of pies.

Now, Sora hadn’t planned for this whatsoever. The dragon had instead just planned to check out the new bakery he had heard about through the grapevine, the prospect of a pie so good one of his friends had gone on about it for nearly 30 minutes enough to entice him. The dragon had a soft spot, or rather, a soft self, from his love of all things flaky and fruit-filled. Not overly overweight or anything of the sort, but the drake’s adoration of baked goods was apparent if one looked. ‘Healthy’ was the polite way to say it, ‘fat’ was more what society called it. However, Sora didn’t much care about any of that; he heard pies and figured a few more weren’t going to do any harm. Of course, he hadn’t expected there to be such a selection, or to be the 1000th customer offered an all-you-can-eat experience in the back room of the bakery. He hadn’t been planning on the owner making even more pies once the dragon had devoured his way through the first batch. Sora hadn’t been thinking about keeping his eating going through a second round of pies, or a third. The dragon certainly hadn’t expected the owner to encourage him to eat even more, or to just keep on asking if he had enough. No, this binge hadn’t been planned… But Sora wasn’t about to complain.

Looking down at his current predicament for just a moment before his gaze locked itself back onto more of the tantalizing treats, the dragon let out a slight whimper as he continued to reach forward in vain. He had been having trouble moving towards the shelf at his sixth round of pies, but he just kept right on going. The dragon’s mind had been lost in the haze of eating, of cinnamon and apples and blueberries and pumpkin and rhubarb and raspberry and méringue, and above all, of pie.  His waistline be damned, Sora just needed more of those sinfully delicious treats into his mouth, and he needed them as fast as his paws could propel them into his mouth. His forked tongue had licked every tray clean, haphazardly tossing them aside after the baker had insisted on just leaving the mess to be cleaned up later. His necklace had been removed after the third shelf to keep it from being covered in crumbs and filling; Sora wasn’t an inherently messy eater, but the desperation and need which had consumed him as he consumed didn’t lend itself to proper manners. His broad sky-blue wings, normally lightly furled behind his back with their grand shape, fanned lightly at the air behind him as even flying those couple feet to the next shelf crossed his mind. Try as he might though, the dragon wasn’t going anywhere… He was beached, trapped by his runaway gluttony and his hopeless addiction to pies.

That would have been that for Sora, had the owner not popped into the room and seen the dragon stuck atop their stomach. A portly, motherly badger whose name escaped the food-crazed dragon at the moment, the mustelid let out a light tutting noise of concern and left the room as quickly as they came. Sora snuck a couple looks over to where she had stood for a moment, but his deep brown eyes already returned to his prize; he couldn’t look away, for fear they might disappear when he did. The dragon moved to speak, to call out, to beg… And yet all that came out was a rolling belch tasting of cinnamon. Sora shouldn’t have been surprised by that; he had eaten enough pie to supply a small village after all. Smacking his lips a few times and taking a moment to compose himself, Sora tried again to call out, but this time was stopped by the words of the badger.

“Oh you poor dear, getting stuck like that. Are you still hungry for more?” Sora’s stomach did the talking for the dragon, letting out a deep, heavy groan at the mere mention of more. The fullness that came from eating so many pies was starting to make itself known to the dragon, so Sora wasn’t sure if that groan was a demand for more or a plead for mercy. Whatever it had been, the gurgling groan seemed to have been enough of an answer for the badger as she walked further into the room and smiled sweetly at the beached ball of scales and pie in her storeroom. “You just stay right there then hon and let me get these for you. I closed up shop for the day, so I’ll stay back here as long as it takes to get your fill. You won after all, and I can’t have you leaving unsatisfied.” There was something almost ominous in her words, not threatening or dark, but…

Sora didn’t have time to think about what the badger had said though, as more pie found its way into his groping, reaching paws a moment later. Whether or not more pie was a good idea didn’t even enter Sora’s mind; he had his prize, and he intended on eating it. The dragon knew, somewhere in the recesses of his mind, that he needed to stop eating; he had needed to stop eating two hours before. The flakiness of the crust, the warm head of spiced rhubarb and jam, and the gentle pat to his dome of a stomach overrode that logic though and replaced it with a simple, singular thought. The thought that had beached Sora there, and that led him to consume the apple crumble which came after, and then the pumpkin shortbread pie after that. That thought had muscled its way back to the forefront of Sora’s mind, and as long as the pie kept coming, it was going to stay there.

The thought? More. Plain and simple.

More came, and came, and came. The pies seemed endless, and in fact, they were. The badger always had another ready to go, keeping pace with Sora’s ravenous eating as though she had done this before. The dragon didn’t think anything of it though and just kept plowing through pie after pie as though his life depended on it. Of course, more pie meant more girth added to that food balloon on the front of the dragon, and more girth meant he was lifted higher into the air, or at least for a time. At some point during his binging, Sora wound up collapsing onto his side and just leaving his stomach to sprawl out in front of and above him like a boulder with a dragon attached. That, of course, hadn’t slowed his eating… Not in the least. If anything, the shift took some of the pressure off his stomach and made more room for binging, and that meant even more pies.

Sora wasn’t quite sure when he couldn’t fit another bite in; he had been feeling full for a while before, and his food-addled mind was far too focused on the pie in front of him, and the one after that, to worry itself with such trivial things like feeling full. This meant that when Sora went to swallow down another mouthful of pie and was met with resistance, he was surprised for a moment. He shouldn’t have been, and somehow he knew that he shouldn’t have been; he had been eating like a dragon possessed for what felt to be like hours. Still, he had a mouthful of pie and he needed it to be in him; there was another mouthful that needed to take its place. Sora tried again, swallowing harder this time to the same result; nothing. He frowned inwardly, then swallowed hard enough that he let out a grunt from the effort. That did it, barely, and it made room for the next bite of pie. Slower, lazier chewing and another swallow hard enough that Sora had to shut his eyes and really try, and the dragon got that one down. Then the next, and the next… Until, just 5 bites later, the dragon couldn’t force down that last bite of pie. The crumb-filled and filling-splattered tin sat right beside his head, his arms long having grown too tired to move pies to his face, just teasing him to lick it clean once he got that mawful of pie down into his creaking, groaning stomach.

The creaks of his stomach pushed just a touch of that gluttonous haze which had enveloped Sora’s entire being for the entirety of his binge, and that little bit of consciousness was enough to wrench Sora from the throes of wanton consumption. The dragon was suddenly, keenly, completely aware of how full he really was… And he was full. The dragon had binged before, sure, but never like this; he was several times more stomach than dragon. From his side, with his head resting on an arm so that all he had to do was tilt his face down and eat pies from the tin like a pig from its trough, all Sora could see was neon green. His head was arched upwards slightly to make room for all that stomach it was so large, pushing past what had once been his chest and completely dominating every facet of his form. Sora didn’t know he could eat this much; he didn’t know anyone could eat that much. His memories of eating, of the badger’s concern if he was getting enough fading into concern that he was eating too much, of whining for more even though he looked like the blueberries he had eaten with such reckless abandon… Sora’s brain flooded with thoughts of his binge, and the dragon’s white cheeks flared into a deep red blush at the realization of just how much of a pig he had been.

Looking at what bits of the room he could see over his scaled horizon, Sora saw that day had turned to night in the world outside the storeroom; another clue as to just how long he had been eating. The badger was still there, though she was looking down at him now with worry on her face and a bit of sweat on her brow from all the pies she had been lugging around. Sora’s blush deepened as he thought about just how much she had put in, for free, to satiate his greed and feed his addiction to pies. She must have expected a simple cake or two, not a kingdom’s worth of pies all into one dragon. Sora’s embarrassment grew all the more too as he realized that he couldn’t speak to apologize, to thank her, or even to ask for another pie… And then redoubled as he admonished himself for even thinking of asking for another pie. The dragon was too full for words, too packed to move, too stuffed to breathe past little pants out his nose around his mouthful of pie… Sora had completely and utterly surrendered to his appetite, and it showed in spades. The dragon may have overeaten before, but this was something wholly new to him… And Sora wasn’t entirely sure whether he disliked it.

“Finally got enough in you dear?” The badger’s words were just as kind as they had been before, not a hint of annoyance or anger in them as Sora had feared. “I was worried you were going to keep eating until you burst! I know my baking is good, but I didn’t know anyone found it quite as tasty as you.” The badger paused, looking over Sora again for a moment as she seemed to consider her words. “You just rest there now dear, alright? Don’t worry about going on home tonight, I have to clean all this up! You sleep and let all that pie settle down in there, and then we’ll get you home in the morning…” Pausing again, the badger looked back down at Sora, then at the door to the storeroom, and then back again with that same warm smile she had the entire time Sora had been eating every ounce of profits her venture had made. “Well… Maybe not the morning. I don’t know if you’ll be fitting out the door after all those pies digest.”

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