Not So Secret Santa

Aleks had done it. He wasn’t quite sure, looking back, why he had gone on this journey over the last year or what it would mean now that he was at its end, but he had done it. He had faced down his challenge, and he had won. He had struggled, tested himself, and the fluffy pokemon had somehow managed to get done what he needed to, or rather wanted to, and then some. This wasn’t to say that the whole thing had gone smoothly; the start had been the biggest challenge to overcome for Aleks. He had done it though, the mon pulling through and completing his task, and he was all too ready to show off the fruits of his labor for the last year. Labor though, wasn’t quite the right word… There had been labor involved, sure, but a big part of getting to where Aleks had gotten also involved a pretty hefty absence of labor in many senses.

One didn’t want to do a lot of heavy lifting when trying to gain weight after all.

The mon had started his quest to get fat a year ago to the day, after a failed attempt to get into a Santa costume. Aleks had nearly possessed the hips and rear for it, his very feminine build allowing for the pants to stay somewhere below his waist and leaving an ample amount of mon out there for the world to see. Santa wasn’t known for his hips though, and he swam in the coat. Even though the fluff of his neck did make for a decent beard, it was lost in the billowing fabric of the coat just like his lean torso. Pear-shaped to a fault, the mon had gotten teased a bit by his friends for such a failure to fit into the outfit… And after the party that night, Aleks had sworn that he was going to fit himself into the biggest Santa outfit that he could find the next year. He didn’t really want to get truly fat, at least not at first, but that night it had been the alcohol from the party as well as his own pride that had pushed him for such a weighty goal. That, and something about the time of year always lended itself to weight gain, and Aleks had already been having to fight a bit with his favorite pairs of pants from a bit too much indulgence over the winter months. What was a bit more to that after all?

Aleks led a very private and quiet life, as though his bright pink coloring and his brilliant blue eyes did lead to him standing out somewhat from the crowd, the mon was anything but a social butterfly. He liked being at home and alone, and with his job allowing him to work from home as well, it wasn’t often that he even had to venture out of the house. In the age of delivery everything too, well… Aleks knew that he could undergo a full year of staying in his home and just stuffing himself day after day without anyone even seeing what he was up to. He hardly went out with his friends as it was, and his small apartment didn’t allow much in the way of company, so… A full year of being in his comfortable home with nothing but an appetite and a drive to get bigger seemed like a good idea. The mon had even ordered the biggest Santa outfit that he could find online at that party, hanging it up in his bedroom a few days later once it had arrived in clear view to act as inspiration for him to keep right on eating.

The gaining went slow at first for Aleks, as he wasn’t used to overeating; he usually only ate enough to feel comfortable and that was it. He had never watched what he ate though, as evidenced by the plush rear which he sported at the start of his gaining journey. Unused to the amounts of food that he would need to really get his gaining going, the mon often went to bed with an achingly full stomach and with unfinished meals thanks to his eyes being even larger than his stomach. He couldn’t really feel any changes either, the heavy fluff on his body and tail making for a good insulator to hide any gains that he made. Aleks was also not looking in any mirrors either, having removed the one in his bathroom and keeping a full-length mirror in his closet so that he wasn’t tempted to sneak a peek and see just what he was doing to his body. He allowed for one look per month, and while that did mean he wasn’t going to get to see his progress at first… Well, it did make things that much more exciting when he finally did get to see. Aleks did notice that his sweatpants were getting a bit tighter, his shirts a bit more snug around his stomach, but as he continued to stuff himself every day, constantly snacking while he worked on his computer or lazing on the couch with food always within reach… The mon felt as though his progress wasn’t going fast enough.

All that changed however when he finally got to see his first month’s progress. It was after a night of two extra large pizzas and soda, all crammed down over the course of a couple hours while watching some mindless movie that the mon had grown more fond of over the previous month. Something about turning his brain off after work and just lazing with little more than food and simple entertainment was growing on him, and he didn’t really think that shift would change once he stopped gaining and trying to prove his teasing friends wrong. The month had seen his grocery bill grow even faster than he had, and Aleks was grateful that he had always been so frugal in his spending; he made more than enough to cover the inflating costs of a full stomach and his bills, and he still had a healthy savings to make sure that even if he did overspend… He wasn’t going to have any problems. However, something in Aleks wasn’t quite sure if he was making the right choice. Sure, he wanted to prove his friends wrong just as bad as he had the night after the party, and he had been working hard on getting larger, but… Was it all worth it? Was he going to like what he saw as he swung open that closet door and took the first real look at himself after a full month of overeating and cramming who knew how many calories down his throat with every chance that he had?

Every doubt the mon had washed away in a torrent of glee the moment his eyes met the mirror.

Where they had been a skinny, lean torso just a month before was a soft, plump one. Aleks didn’t have a belly or moobs persay just yet, but the light crease of his chest starting to sag even below the mane of thick fur which cascaded down his neck was there as clear as day. His stomach pooched out enough to be very noticeable, not quite folding down but rounding out into a bit of a doughy sphere right in front of him. His thighs and hips flared out far wider than they had the month before, and an experimental swish of those hips gave away that there as a lot more jiggle to Aleks’ step than there had been four short weeks before. It wasn’t a huge amount of weight, sure, and it was even a bit less than Aleks had expected after all of his binging, but it was there, and he reveled in it. The slight softening of his face, from his cheeks swelling just a bit more and his chin drooping just enough to make his face look round rather than angular. His paws all looking just a hair softer and more plump. His calves looking less like sticks by just a bit. It was all there, and the mon drank up the sights and just stared. He turned a few times, paws stroking over the subtle but new curves to his frame that hadn’t been there before, and that were only going to grow more prominent as time went on. Aleks needed those gains now, and whatever feelings he had been harboring about stopping what he was doing were pushed out of his mind with every touch to his stomach, every stroke to his widened thighs, and ever little jiggle his ass gave in the mirror as he looked over his feminine frame. The mon knew just what he had to do now, and he was going to do it in spades.

Every month from then on went easier than the last, and Aleks took greater and greater pride in his gains. He started with just showing off his hips a bit, swaying a bit more as he walked and making sure to bump doorways intentionally as he walked through them. After three months of a diet that now included gainer shakes at least twice a day and more food per meal than most ate in a full day, that little bit of swaying had turned into a rather pronounced waddle. Aleks didn’t even let that slow him down though, and redoubled his efforts to gain more, and to gain it faster. He spent days on the couch, investing in a laptop so that he could work from there and not even have to move. He made sure he spent even less time on the phone while working, as any time that he had to talk was time that he had to eat. He could hear his voice lowering too, the sing-songy feminine qualities still there and quite comfortable for his ears, but as the weight of his body pressed into every little part of him that it could find, it was only a matter of time before his voice began to drop and become just as slow and heavy as he had. Aleks didn’t mind that either, taking that as another showing of just how fat he was getting. Whenever he struggled to do something, he had been able to do before, or when he shred a piece of clothing around his widening rear or felt a shirt ride up on his stomach to the point that it covered less than it left exposed, or when he started having trouble fitting into places in his small apartment… Aleks just took all of those things as badges of honor. Shows that he was becoming even more of the fatass that he was meant to be.

About six months into his gaining, Aleks stepped in front of the mirror. He was still eating as he did, now nearly as addicted to food as could be. He never spent a waking moment more than a few steps from food, needing a dozen donuts as motivation to get out of bed and only able to sleep when his stomach was so full, he could feel it pressing against his lungs in his straining body. The mon knew he was passing a point of no return, some far recess in his mind telling him to slow down, to take it easier on the food, to just let his gains work naturally rather than keeping that indignation about being teased and using it to always cram more food into himself than the previous day. The larger and stronger part of his mind though… Well, it wanted his fourth lunch of the day, and it was going to eat that food no matter how full his stomach felt. Aleks didn’t even really see the mirror either, looking at the rounding belly that now sagged heavily against his thighs, the flared hips that made him seem oh so wide, the triple chin that rested on his made, which in turn was pushed together by the fat bags of pure blubber that were his chest… No, Aleks didn’t even really see those things. Lightly huffing from the simple effort of standing with such a full stomach, all Aleks did see in that mirror was a Pokemon that had more eating to do. More stuff to cram down into his muzzle, and more fat to gain. Aleks knew he was addicted at that point, to food, to fat, and to getting more of both of them. That sight in the mirror confirmed it, and as he spent just a few moments ogling himself before closing the door… He knew there was going to be a lot more to come.

The rest of the year went by as a blur of food and fat. Whenever Aleks ate now, time seemed to almost blink by. He no longer considered meals to be a concept for him, and instead just ate from when he awoke to when he went to sleep. He had pushed any thoughts of working from his mind, his job just something he did between bites of food, but it was suffering so badly that Aleks wasn’t certain for how much longer he could do it. His paws had gotten too fat for keys, his voice too muddled by belches and chomps to answer the phone, his inability to walk more than a few steps without needing to lean on a wall and pant from the exertion of shifting his bulk meant going into the office was impossible… But, somehow, he had managed to still be paid for working, and that meant he could still afford his food and his life. Of course, that life was just food now, as Aleks hadn’t left his house in months and didn’t know if he even could anymore. Not that he didn’t want to; he wanted to see a friend or two, or at least see the outside world as the first snow of the year fell. However… Well, there were challenges now for the fattened mon that there hadn’t been, and ones that he was starting to be unable to ignore.

He was too fat for doors, his hips having nearly gotten him wedged in his bedroom three months before. His kitchen was too small for him as well, so any attempts at cooking or even storing food were gone; Aleks just had to eat whatever he could of his nigh constant stream of deliveries as there was no way for him to have leftovers. Not that he would have leftovers after all… The mon was well-oiled eating machine at this point, and even the concept of full was something that had been lost on him. In fact, that was another challenge for him, getting that full stomach. He hadn’t really felt truly, achingly full in weeks, as he was now just passing out from being too tired from shifting his arms up to eat or walking to and from the door to get more food. He could barely even get off his couch as well now, taking longer and longer to shift his legs under him. Some of the delivery furs knew this, and since Aleks left his door unlocked, they would come in and leave the food where he could reach it. Those little interactions were the only socializing that Aleks did, and they were often done with thinly-veiled disgust on the faces of those coming in and seeing the messy, heaving blob of Pokemon fat that Aleks had eaten himself into. The mon didn’t much care though, as he just got to keep right on eating. He forgot why he was even doing it some days, his brain now mush from the constant influx of food and bad television that filled his days when he wasn’t trying, and failing, to get even a minimal amount of work done so that he wouldn’t be let go. Aleks was a lost cause to fat, and he knew it, but try as he might… The mon didn’t seem to care.

Things came to a head for Aleks the day of the holiday party, something that he had forgotten about between the Thanksgiving feast which had left him tantalizingly close to full and the constant vibrations of his phone with missed messages and calls buried somewhere beneath his left rump cheek. The mon knew he was supposed to do something that day, but he couldn’t seem to recall what. The haze of food, food, and more food was something that was nigh impenetrable for him nowadays. How long had it been since he had worked? Since he had showered? Since he had gotten himself up off the couch? Aleks didn’t know the answers to any of these questions, and yet as he wracked his brain to come up with anything that he might had needed to do on that specific day… He stopped eating for a moment. Across from him, lightly covered in dust and looking lonely hung on the wall, was the Santa outfit. Aleks took one look at it and knew that there was no way he was going to fit into it now; he couldn’t probably fill the pants with one leg, and he wagered the coat would look more like a bra on his now than an actual coat. He had eaten himself to his goal, and then blown past it with such wanton disregard for anything resembling modesty that he was now fatter than he could have imagined getting twelve short months ago. The mon was a bit surprised by this revelation, but only for a moment; looking down at what he had eaten himself into gave away that he was now a slave to food. He couldn’t see much past his cheeks, and what he could see was just a wall of pink; his stomach. His pride and joy, something that he hadn’t had a year before and now he had so much of it rested on the floor in front of him when he was sitting after a large binge, and even when empty over the last few days. Aleks had done what he set out to do, surpassed it, and then some…

Now he needed to figure out what he was going to eat next.

And if Santa outfits came in a larger size.

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