Mazaku Secret Santa

Story, Friends, Commissions
The weight had been just one of the side effects that Mazaku hadn’t really thought about throughout college. Stress, free access to a cafeteria with things that most would consider to be tangential at best to food, and endless hours of sitting and studying rather than moving around had combined to allow the dragon to just balloon. The long hours in the library with his snout in a book or the longer hours up late in the twenty-four hour cafeteria doing the same had piled on weight at a steady, but almost unstoppable pace. The runner’s physique that Mazaku had entered college in barely lasted a semester before it had been coated over with a thin layer of heft, and by the time his first year was over? Well, the…
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Psion Secret Santa

Story, Personal
“How is this even…?” the bear muttered to himself, looking at his monitor again. He had no idea what the readout on the screen meant, but he knew that it was something wrong. He had never seen such waves before, or rather he had, but they had been on a star and not coming from a living being. Something like this was not possible as far as he knew, but something about this seemed to work, too, despite everything the bear knew. It was as if he had stumbled upon a new way of looking at physics, yet he had no idea how it could even work. The entire thing looked just too wrong to his ordinary scientific mind, his typical data sets, and even those abnormal sets that were…
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To the Chef… Or Baker

Callum wasn't quite sure of what to make of the plain, typed letter in his paw. The dragon had received it about a month ago, inviting him to a town he'd heard of in passing before, but never been to; New SaggingTon. Why him was a bit of a mystery, as there were many other bakers... But the letter had requested him by name, with plenty of flattery and flowery language to boot! It was odd, to say the least, but Callum wasn't about to turn down the invitation once flattery and the promise of free baked goods were involved. This wasn't a free trip, of course, meaning that Callum had needed a bit to save some funds for a small vacation; no all-expenses-paid-free-food-out-your-ears trip on this one. It was…
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Not So Secret Santa

Commissions, Story
Aleks had done it. He wasn’t quite sure, looking back, why he had gone on this journey over the last year or what it would mean now that he was at its end, but he had done it. He had faced down his challenge, and he had won. He had struggled, tested himself, and the fluffy pokemon had somehow managed to get done what he needed to, or rather wanted to, and then some. This wasn’t to say that the whole thing had gone smoothly; the start had been the biggest challenge to overcome for Aleks. He had done it though, the mon pulling through and completing his task, and he was all too ready to show off the fruits of his labor for the last year. Labor though, wasn’t…
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Obesitober Day 1 – Overeating

Story, Commissions, Writing Event
Sora was stuck. He could still move, somewhat, but any of that movement… Well, the dragon wasn’t going anywhere quick under their own power. Light kicks at the ground were all that the scaled drake’s rear legs could manage, and even those did little to him along. His forelegs had long given up on their relationship with the ground, their far nimbler digits instead reaching towards the source of what had trapped Sora in his current position. Brown eyes locked right on that same place, the dragon struggled in vain to try and get just a little closer to his destination, his desire, his need. It was such a simple thing, and yet it had driven Sora to trap himself right in place, unable to move beyond a few slight…
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